Sorry for the catchy title, but I just couldn't help myself :) This plastic model of the Lightship "Ambrose" is a converted Lindberg kit built for radio control by Frank Ryczek, spokesman for the PIRATE'S FL.A.G. Modeler's Club of Fernandina Bch., Fl. This model sports interior lighting, as well as flashing lights in the towers and a two- tone fog horn. |
![]() Frank lived in New Jersey where he was a member of the South Street Seaport Museum Society. He used to take the Staten Island Ferry to the pier, where the museum ships and the Ambrose are docked, and spend the whole day there with his wife and children. Frank writes "I can't remember where I got the model, it might have been online, but I knew it had to be the Ambrose and it had to be radio controlled." |
![]() "I installed a RAM2 tone fog hord sound system hooked to a microswitch which would activate when the rudder was thrown hard right. I found the flashing lights for the towers in a ceramics supply store. It was a simple set up used for ceramic lighthouses and used a flasher from Christmas tree string lights.I rigged up another line for the aft mast so they would blink at random. It really looked sharp at night running it." |
![]() Frank's Ambrose and Lindberg PT Boat ready for action at the pond.... "The interior lighting came from a battery operated Christmas light string. The lights were attached around the inside of the model, hung by the drilled out portholes. The rest of the string went up into the cabins fore, mid and aft. Very simple and effective way to light up a model, and cheap to boot. The light string cost a buck at the Dollar store." |
![]() NO, it's not out of focus, just the webmaster's try at creative photography ;) "I used an AW/RC power unit and ESC. The unit replaces one of the servos and is a simple plug in unit with forward and reverse." "I recently had a glitch that I tried to fix with the speed control unit as I had no reverse. The model slipped off the work bench and slammed into the floor snapping off the rudder assembly. I have the model now in drydock and is now in pieces......." |
The Pirate's FL.A.G. Modeler's Club. The Pirate's FL.A.G. (short for FLorida And Georgia ) Modeler's club is a band of modelers that meet in Fernandina Beach, Florida to swap modeling stories and sail their craft. They meet twice a month and their models , both kit and scratch- built, include sail, steam, scale ( both true scale and stand- off scale) and fast electric. No gas models are allowed due to insurance limits. To find out more about the Pirate's FL.A.G. or to attend one of their fun sails, contact Frank at
![]() Pirate's FL.A.G. Logo
![]() *note* Pictures were scanned and touched up best as I could. They really don't give this model justice as I have seen it in action. When submitting articles for the website, I perfer digital images when possible, but I will make every effort to clean up your scanned pictures . Thanks for your input, without you, this website would not be possible....... |