Home Page | ...all about Lightships | Lightship model showcase | Texel Lightship model | Lindberg's Nantucket Lightship | South Goodwin Light by Revel | Cardstock Lightships | Modeling the Portsmouth Lightship | A Lightship that flies a Pirate's Flag | Bluejacket Shipcrafters Nantucket | John Into's Chesapeake | Relief WAL- 605 | My trip to the New Bedford Lightship | "Lightship in a bottle" | Simple Wooden Lightships | Miniature Lightships | Harbour Lights and others | Paintings by Gerald Levey | San Francisco Lightship Model | "Spoontique" | Nantucket by George Beckford | Your Webmaster | Ships' Logbook | Favorite Links Page  

Welcome to Lightship Modeler!

About a year ago, I sat down and tried to teach myself about websites and HTML. I decided to try and deisgn a site on Lightships, a type of ship that I admired. Being from New England, I had seen them before and being an avid R/C modeler, I though this would be an interesting subject. Never did I realize how "out of hand" it would get!

Since then, many builders have shared their projects here, as I too am building some Nantuckets that I am hoping to finish soon... But searching through the internet, I found more interesting things about Lightships that I had to share with everyone. From weathervanes to charms, Christmas decorations to (light)Ships in a bottle, if I find it, it's here. So if you're a serious model builder, or just a fan of Lightships, this site is dedicted to you- ENJOY!

What's up at Lightship Modeler:

Please go to the Ships' Logbook when you visit and let me know how you like the site and who y'all are. This will help me to develope the site with what intrests you, the guest! PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ADDRESS YOUR WEBSITES HERE, BUT ONLY IF THEY ARE LIGHTSHIP OR MODEL-BUILDING ORIENTATED. ALL OTHER ADDS, ESPECIALLY THOSE THAT ARE OR COULD BE OFFENSIVE TO OTHERS, WILL BE DELETED.

07-02-05     Lightship Modeler crashed while adding a new page on a San Francisco Lightship model. The pages are still viewable, but the backgrounds and music are gone. I will rebuild, time permitting. Please check back soon for the upgraded site....

     * NOTICE * Freeservers, the server company I use for the website has changed it's banner ads and where they appear on the pages. It is causing some major problems here at Lightship Modeler. Be patient as I wok these bugs out....

Be it a 'coffee table' wood model of a lightship, or a Master Modeler's creation that has taken him (or her) hours on hours to build, Lightships have a certain beauty. This website is dedicated to their alure and to those builders whose models are displayed on these pages.

See "Lightship model showcase" and the "Favorite Links" pages in the menu above for more great model Lightships!

Want to be a part of Lightship Modeler?
 Have you got a Lightship Model that you're building or have built? Maybe you have some pictures of actual Lightships, or a link to an interesting web site. Please e-mail me with your pictures, articles and links and I will post them on your own page here at Lightship modeler.

Click above to e-mail me


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The song you are listening to is 'Son of a Son of a Sailor' by Jimmy Buffet

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